Ultima Blog

Announcing: Infraware Partnership

Written by Simon Walters | 23-Oct-2017 06:51:00

Through Ultima’s continuing commitment to deliver value to our clients and to bolster our position as a true, trusted advisor, we have made a strategic decision to partner with Infraware.

This partnership will allow us to assist our clients in a number of key areas, including management of their IT estates and help with migration to new platforms. 

The onset of cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT) and digitisation means many of our clients require a comprehensive, but innovative, approach to software and asset management; one that is underpinned by a common and detailed understanding.

Most transition-based projects require organisations to gain an accurate view of their architecture and evidenced usage of assets. Applying Infraware’s proven approach, alongside their supporting technology SAMSentry©, we are very well positioned to help our clients assess their current processes, prepare for transition or simply complete software and licence reviews.

SAMSentry is a cloud-based software and asset management tool, which empowers clients to assess their processes, follow recommendations and set tasks for completion. Additional features include hardware and software discovery and entitlement recording. At the heart of the approach is a detailed understanding from both us and our client, in terms of current and future state best practice.

We no longer simply sell discovery and licence management technology. Instead we work with you in a methodical and proven manner; ensuring success at every stage of our journey.

If you have any queries about Infraware's SAMSentry tool, or would like to discuss this in further detail please don't hesitate to contact us.

- By Simon Walters (Managed Services Director)